4 Ways To Improve Your Home's Air Quality

Nov 17, 2021

5 min read
We tend to spend most of our time indoors, whether it’s at the office or at home. In the middle of a pandemic, we may even spend all of our time at home. That’s why it’s essential that we get clean, fresh air to breathe in at all times. Not only because it’s refreshing, but because it’s good for our health.
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The importance of clean air.

Why good indoor air quality matters

We may think of air pollution as synonymous with the smog we see from factories smokestacks and car exhaust pipes, but in the right (or the worst) conditions, the air inside our homes can be up to 5 times as polluted as the air outdoors. We may not see it or feel it at the moment, but the presence of poor air quality could very well be there.

The combination of multiple sources of air pollution can put you and your family at risk if left unattended, especially if there are family members who have respiratory conditions like asthma or other comorbidities. These can include but are not limited to aerosol sprays, exhaust from air conditioners and computers, poor air circulation or stagnant air, accumulating dust and dust mites, smoke from cigarette smoking, and airborne pathogens. If you live in the city, you’re more likely to come across many of these pollutants.

This is even more concerning for those of us that live in the Philippines since a World Health Organization study in 2018 ranked the country the second deadliest in the Asia Pacific region for household air pollution.

With all these factors coming into play, it’s critical that you do what you can to improve your home or workplace’s indoor air quality, and we’ll give you a few ways on how to do it.

1. Invest in an air purifier

A natural choice for anyone looking for cleaner air at home, an air purifier is great for reducing and removing most allergens and airborne pollutants. Whether it’s dust or pet dander, placing an air purifier in high-activity areas of the house can get rid of most of those irritants.

Additionally, air purifiers—particularly those with activated carbon filters—can absorb or eliminate harmful chemicals in the air even if you don’t live next to a street with heavy traffic. These chemicals could come from your typical household cleaning agents which contain chemicals like ammonia, phthalates, and chlorine which can be toxic with prolonged or frequent exposure.

As for bacteria and viruses, air purifiers that use HEPA filters and UV light can capture many such pathogens in the air even if they’re microscopic.

If you’re prone to allergic reactions or full-blown allergy attacks, or have members of the household that have weakened immune systems or comorbidities, an air purifier is a no-brainer to have at home.

An air purifier system improves indoor air quality

2. Invest in a system that promotes better ventilation and filtration

Jumping off from air purifiers and their filters, did you know that ACs also filter your air? As part of the cooling process, they’re designed to also filter out a lot of the dust and tiny bits of debris they suck in, which is why they don’t spit out a cloud of cold but dirty air.

However, just by using them as usual, these filters can become saturated with dirt, which makes them less effective or completely useless when it comes to filtering out your air. Not only is that bad news for your air quality but it can accelerate the wear and tear on your machine. To prevent this, clean your filters regularly or when needed, replace them altogether. This may need to be done more often if you live in an area with high levels of pollution.

While we’re on the topic of cleaning your filters, you shouldn’t just limit the cleaning to your air purifier and/or air conditioner. If you truly want to improve your home’s air quality many times over, you should make a habit of cleaning the filters of your other appliances including your vacuum cleaner, kitchen vent, bathroom vents, and clothes dryer. If you don’t want to do it yourself or want a more expert touch, schedule a professional cleaning service to do it for you. To get the best filtering results and the greatest longevity out of your appliances, it is recommended to clean or replace these filters every few months or so.

A hepa filter ventilation system improves indoor air quality.
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3. Control the humidity in your home

The proper humidity is also a key factor in air quality. Not enough humidity and your body will start feeling dry, irritating your eyes, making your skin flake, and drying out your throat. Too much humidity and your house becomes the perfect environment for mold, mildew, fungus, bacteria, and viruses to multiply.

Molds are among common indoor air pollutants. Controlling humidity can help discourage mold growth.

Getting a humidifier or dehumidifier as fits your situation can help maintain more consistent humidity levels suited to your comfort preferences. With one or the other, you’ll be able to improve the air quality so that it benefits you and your family instead of nasty growths.

4. Buy indoor plants to keep the air fresh

Plants are nature’s own air filters, taking in carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen in return, thereby creating fresh air. Having one or more in your home can help improve the air quality as well as add aesthetic flair to your home’s décor.

Here are some plants you may want to look into for the purpose of improving your air quality:

Indoor air pollutants are sneaky and can accumulate in your home if you aren’t careful. However, by bringing some choice pieces of air purifying appliances and plants into your home, as well as cleaning out your existing appliances’ filters, you’ll be sure to keep indoor air pollution down to a minimum.

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